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add - Variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPprotection
public can add files to this directory
assemble(DatagramPacket) - Method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPpacket
Generate UDP packet from this FSP packet.
available() - Method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPInputStream
returns the number of bytes that can be read from this input stream without contacting server.


bb_key - Variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPpacket
server access KEY, needs to be correct
bb_len - Variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPpacket
number of required bytes in buffer
bb_pos - Variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPpacket
file position pointer (4GB-1 max)
bb_seq - Variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPpacket
client side sequence number, any number can be used
buf - Variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPpacket
buffer for holding user generated data to be transmitted via FSP protocol


canUpload(FSPsession, String) - Static method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPutil
Checks if user have enough rights to upload given file.
CC_BYE - Static variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPpacket
finish a session
CC_DEL_DIR - Static variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPpacket
delete directory
CC_DEL_FILE - Static variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPpacket
delete file
CC_ERR - Static variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPpacket
error response from server
CC_GET_DIR - Static variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPpacket
get a directory listing
CC_GET_FILE - Static variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPpacket
get a file
CC_GET_PRO - Static variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPpacket
get directory protection
CC_GRAB_DONE - Static variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPpacket
atomic get+delete done
CC_GRAB_FILE - Static variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPpacket
atomic get+delete
CC_INFO - Static variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPpacket
get server info block
CC_INSTALL - Static variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPpacket
close a opened file for writing and move it to final location
CC_LIMIT - Static variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPpacket
commands greater then 0x7f are reserved for FSP v3 headers
CC_MAKE_DIR - Static variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPpacket
make directory
CC_RENAME - Static variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPpacket
rename file or directory
CC_SET_PRO - Static variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPpacket
set directory protection
CC_STAT - Static variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPpacket
get file/directory information
CC_TEST - Static variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPpacket
reserved for testing FSP v3 header
CC_UP_LOAD - Static variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPpacket
open temporary file for writing
CC_VERSION - Static variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPpacket
get server setup
clone() - Method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPversion
Clones FTPversion object.
close() - Method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPInputStream
frees internal buffers.
close() - Method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPOutputStream
Flushes buffer and installs file.
close() - Method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPsession
Close a session.
cmd - Variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPpacket
FSP command, use one of CC_ constants
connect() - Method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPURLConnection
gets file status from FSP server throws IOException if there is problem with server communication
createURLStreamHandler(String) - Method in class net.sf.fsp.fsp.Handler
creates URLStreamHandler instance for FSP protocol.


DEFAULT_DELAY - Static variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPsession
default resent delay (msec)
DEFAULT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPsession
default timeout (msec)
delete - Variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPprotection
public can delete files in this directory
DIR_ADD - Static variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPprotection
Directory bitfield - public can add files
DIR_DEL - Static variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPprotection
Directory bitfield - public can delete files
DIR_GET - Static variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPprotection
Directory bitfield - public can download/get files.
DIR_LIST - Static variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPprotection
Directory bitfield - public can list directory
DIR_MKDIR - Static variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPprotection
Directory bitfield - public can make subdirectories
DIR_OWNER - Static variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPprotection
Directory bitfield - caller is owner
DIR_README - Static variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPprotection
Directory bitfield - directory contains readme
DIR_RENAME - Static variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPprotection
Directory bitfield - public can rename files
disassemble(DatagramPacket) - Method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPpacket
Disassemble UDP packet into this FSP packet.
download(FSPsession, String, OutputStream, long, long) - Static method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPutil
Downloads a file from FSP server.


equals(URL, URL) - Method in class net.sf.fsp.fsp.Handler
Check if two FSP URLs are Equal.
expect(byte) - Method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPpacket
Test if packet is expected response to sent command.
extended_info - Variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPversion
server sent extended info.
extra_data - Variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPversion
server accepts xtra data on in input packets


finalize() - Method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPOutputStream
cancels pending upload and unlocks writer object.
finalize() - Method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPsession
closes session before doing GC.
flush() - Method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPOutputStream
Flushes internal buffer to FSP server.
FSPInputStream - Class in net.sf.fsp.fsplib
This class allows reading file from FSP server.
FSPInputStream(FSPsession, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPInputStream
creates a new Input stream for reading file from FSP server
FSPOutputStream - Class in net.sf.fsp.fsplib
Stream for writing file to FSP server.
FSPOutputStream(FSPsession, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPOutputStream
Creates stream for writing file to FSP server.
FSPpacket - Class in net.sf.fsp.fsplib
This class handles assembly and disassembly FSP packets from/to DatagramPacket.
FSPpacket() - Constructor for class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPpacket
Constructs a new storage for handling client side of FSP packets.
FSPpacket(boolean) - Constructor for class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPpacket
Constructs a new storage for handling FSP packets.
FSPprotection - Class in net.sf.fsp.fsplib
Class for parsing reply to CC_GET_PRO command and holding directory access information.
FSPprotection() - Constructor for class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPprotection
Constructor for empty FSPprotection object.
FSPprotection(FSPpacket) - Constructor for class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPprotection
Creates FSPprotection instance from FSPpacket.
FSPsession - Class in net.sf.fsp.fsplib
This class represents one live FSP session.
FSPsession(String, int) - Constructor for class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPsession
Creates a new FSP session
FSPsession(InetAddress, int) - Constructor for class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPsession
Creates a new FSP session
FSPstat - Class in net.sf.fsp.fsplib
Class for holding result of CC_STAT command.
FSPstat() - Constructor for class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPstat
FSPURLConnection - Class in net.sf.fsp.fsplib
class for operations on FSP URL.
FSPURLConnection(URL) - Constructor for class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPURLConnection
creates a new URL connection with FSP protocol.
FSPutil - Class in net.sf.fsp.fsplib
Utilities for easier working with FSP.
FSPutil() - Constructor for class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPutil
FSPversion - Class in net.sf.fsp.fsplib
Class for parsing reply to CC_VERSION command and holding server setup information.
FSPversion() - Constructor for class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPversion
Constructor for empty FSPversion object.
FSPversion(FSPpacket) - Constructor for class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPversion
Creates FSPversion instance from FSPpacket


get - Variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPprotection
public can download/get files from this directory
getConnectTimeout() - Method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPURLConnection
Get connection timeout.
getContentEncoding() - Method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPURLConnection
FSP do not have concept of transfer encodings.
getContentLength() - Method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPURLConnection
Get content-length.
getContentType() - Method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPURLConnection
Get content type.
getDate() - Method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPURLConnection
Get date of sending server.
getDefaultAllowUserInteraction() - Static method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPURLConnection
Returns default value for allowUserInteraction field.
getDefaultPort() - Method in class net.sf.fsp.fsp.Handler
Get default port in none is specified in URL.
getDefaultUseCaches() - Method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPURLConnection
Returns default value for useCaches.
getDelay() - Method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPsession
Gets the delay time before we resent packet for first time.
getExpiration() - Method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPURLConnection
Get value of Expires: header.
getHeaderField(int) - Method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPURLConnection
Returns value of nth header field.
getHeaderField(String) - Method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPURLConnection
Returns value of specified header field.
getHeaderFieldDate(String, long) - Method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPURLConnection
Return value of header field parsed as date.
getHeaderFieldInt(String, int) - Method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPURLConnection
Return value of header field parsed as integer.
getHeaderFieldKey(int) - Method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPURLConnection
Return field (header) name for nth header field.
getHeaderFields() - Method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPURLConnection
Return unmodifiable Map of header fields.
getHost() - Method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPsession
Get FSP host.
getInputStream() - Method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPURLConnection
returns input stream of file from FSPserver.
getLastModified() - Method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPURLConnection
Return last-modified value for file or 0 if not known
getMaxDelay() - Method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPsession
Gets the maximum delay time between packet resents.
getOutputStream() - Method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPURLConnection
Returns an output stream that writes to this URL
getPermission() - Method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPURLConnection
Permission needed for creating connection to this URL
getPort() - Method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPsession
Get FSP port.
getTimeout() - Method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPsession
Get timeout value used by session.
getUseCaches() - Method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPURLConnection
Get value of useCaches property


Handler - Class in net.sf.fsp.fsp
URLStreamHandler/Factory for FSP protocol.
Handler() - Constructor for class net.sf.fsp.fsp.Handler
hashCode(URL) - Method in class net.sf.fsp.fsp.Handler
HSIZE - Static variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPpacket
Size of FSP protocol v2 header - 12 bytes.


interact(byte, long, byte[], int, int, byte[], int, int) - Method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPsession
Sends FSP packet and waits for reply, packet is resent if lost.
isServerSide() - Method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPpacket
check if we are using server side checksum method.


lastmod - Variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPstat
last modification time in standard Java timeunits
length - Variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPstat
length in bytes
list - Variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPprotection
public can list files in this directory
list(FSPsession, String) - Static method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPutil
get a filename directory list from server.
lockWriter(Object, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPsession
Set Writer lock.
logging - Variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPversion
server logs transfers


mark(int) - Method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPInputStream
marks current position in the stream.
markSupported() - Method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPInputStream
returns true - mark is supported.
MAX_DELAY - Static variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPsession
maximum resent delay.
MAXSIZE - Static variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPpacket
Maximum packet size (HSIZE+MAXSPACE).
MAXSPACE - Static variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPpacket
Maximum payload supported by this library.
MIN_DELAY - Static variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPsession
minimum resent delay (msec)
mkdir - Variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPprotection
public can create subdirectories in this directory


name - Variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPstat
object name
net.sf.fsp.fsp - package net.sf.fsp.fsp
net.sf.fsp.fsplib - package net.sf.fsp.fsplib


openConnection(URL) - Method in class net.sf.fsp.fsp.Handler
opens a FSP connection.
owner - Variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPprotection
Caller is directory owner


payload - Variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPversion
if number is greater then 1024 it means maximum payload supported by server, otherwise it is server preferred packet size.
private_mode - Variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPversion
server runs in private mode, only authorized clients can connect


RDTYPE_DIR - Static variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPstat
object is a directory
RDTYPE_FILE - Static variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPstat
object is a file
read() - Method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPInputStream
reads next byte from stream or -1 if EOF
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPInputStream
reads data from FSP stream
read_only - Variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPversion
server runs in read-only mode
readme - Variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPprotection
Readme file for this directory
rename - Variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPprotection
public can rename files in this directory
reset() - Method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPInputStream
Repositions this stream to the position at the time the mark method was last called on this input stream.
reverse - Variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPversion
reverse lookup required for connected clients


serverside - Variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPpacket
setData(byte[], int, int, byte[], int, int) - Method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPpacket
set FSP data payload to data1 and data2
setDelay(int) - Method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPsession
Sets the delay.
setMaxDelay(int) - Method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPsession
Sets the maximum delay time between resent packets.
setTimeout(int) - Method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPsession
Set timeout value.
skip(long) - Method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPInputStream
skips n bytes in input stream.
SPACE - Static variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPpacket
Maximum standard FSP data payload - 1024 bytes.
stat(FSPsession, String) - Static method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPutil
Gets information about file or directory.
statlist(FSPsession, String) - Static method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPutil
get a FSPstat directory list from server.
statSupported(FSPsession) - Static method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPutil
Check if FSP server supports CC_STAT command.
stringToASCIIZ(String) - Static method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPutil
Converts String to ASCIIZ byte array.
sum - Variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPpacket
FSP packet checksum, field is computed by assemble()


throughput - Variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPversion
server does throughput limiting in bytes/sec. zero means no limit.
toExternalForm(URL) - Method in class net.sf.fsp.fsp.Handler
Converts FSP protocol URL to String
toString() - Method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPpacket
prints header of FSP packet.
toString() - Method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPstat
converts information to human-readable string
type - Variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPstat
object type.


unlockWriter(Object) - Method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPsession
Release Writer lock.
upload(FSPsession, String, InputStream, long) - Static method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPutil
Uploads file to FSP server


version(FSPsession) - Static method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPutil
Sends CC_VERSION command to server and parses reply.
version - Variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPversion
server version


write(int) - Method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPOutputStream
Writes single byte to FSP server
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPOutputStream
Writes byte array to FSP server


xtra_len - Variable in class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPpacket
optional data size in buffer
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