FSP proxy server
Copyright (c) 2003-2020 by Radim `HSN` Kolar
You may copy or modify this file in any manner you wish, provided
that this notice is always included, and that you hold the author
harmless for any loss or damage resulting from the installation or
use of this software.
What is FSP proxy
This proxy supports HTTP/1.1 on output side and FSP v2 on input side. Subrange byte requests are supported, resume works nicely. Simply FSP v2 over HTTP/1.1. This proxy do not caches anything.
This proxy makes playing with FSP very easy for newcommers, there is no need to learn classic fsp command line interface tools. Everybody who can handle downloads in browser, can now play with FSP sites available through Internet.
Browser setup
Because current browsers do not understands fsp:// URLs, FSP proxy understands also gopher:// and ftp:// as alias for fsp://. You need to setup your browser’s gopher or ftp proxy to this proxy server.
Doing this cut offs access to gopher servers for you, but they are very rare today. Currently this is only one known way how to get fsp working in your browser.
The current setup works great with download managers implemented in today browsers. Downloads resuming is supported.
Operation notes
This proxy understands http:// requests also and turn them into FSP v2. This is needed because some brain dead program like mpg123 supports proxy service only for URL with http protocol. It is not a good idea to setup this proxy as http proxy for you web browser, because most web servers currently do not speaks FSP v2.
For more information about running see README.txt.
See download page. This software uses Java FSP library.