FSP software suite copyright
FSP is a free software. Be creative; make your own macros and tools and let me know of any bugs and suggestions.
Source code uses several 2-point BSD-like licenses which are also called MIT/X License:
Copyright (c) YYYY by AUTHOR.
You may copy or modify this file in any manner you wish, provided
that this notice is always included, and that you hold the author
harmless for any loss or damage resulting from the installation or
use of this software.
- Radim Kolar (Current FSP maintainer)
- Andrew Doherty
- Wen-King Su
- Michael Fischbein
- Cimarron D. Taylor
- Guido van Rossum
- Philip G. Richards
- Michael Meskes
- Rich $alz rsalz at bbn.com
- gjc at mitech.com
- Joseph_Traub
- Sven S.A.Pechler at bdk.tue.nl, bdaasp at rc5.urc.tue.nl (VMS port maintainer)
- Very Mad Students, University of Karlsruhe, FRG (VMS port)
VMS port was removed from current FSP codebase in version 2.8.1 b4.