FSP software suite
FSP suite is the most important package for supporting FSP protocol. FSP software suite is set of:
- fspd - the FSP protocol server
- fspscan - the FSP port scanner
- set of programs for accessing FSP site
If you want to host/server files you need to run FSP daemon. FSP daemon can be run from inetd or standalone.
This program is well known FSP port scanner coded by Cuda in late ‘92. It is known as FSP exploit. This program scans ports on target host and checks if fspd is running there. This program is quite slow, so scanning one host can take some time.
fsp clients
Last part of FSP software suite is set of executables for accessing fsp site. Most important programs are: flscmd – lists a directory, fgetcmd – download a file, fcdcmd – changes directory. There is a shell script setup.sh/setup.csh which should be sourced before using there commands in shell.
Some people find that using fspclient is easier for them.