Java FSP library
Copyright (c) 2003,2004, 2009 by Radim `HSN` Kolar
You may copy or modify this file in any manner you wish, provided
that this notice is always included, and that you hold the author
harmless for any loss or damage resulting from the installation or
use of this software.
What is Java FSP Library
Java FSP library adds support for FSP protocol to Java platform. It can be used system-wide or application wide. Library needs FSPD Version 2.8.1b18 or better and supports IOStreams and functions for read and write access. This library supports both client and server method of FSP packet checksum.
Using API
You can use standard API family to access files on fsp servers by using fsp://host[:port]/path URL syntax. Java FSP library needs to be registered into subsystem first:
Application wide installation
Just add one line of code to your application: net.sf.fsp.fsp.Handler());
System wide installation
Read API documentation for class. You need to set value of
system property java.protocol.handler.pkgs to net.sf.fsp
install net.sf.fsp package into your CLASSPATH or install provided
jar file into Java system directory.
Using FSP util API
You can also use class net.sf.fsp.fsplib.FSPutil which has similar API to FSP protocol suite util library.
Using IOStreams
Last way how to move files from/to FSP server is to use FSPInput/OutputStreams. You need to create FSPsession first. See Javadoc API for details.
For download see FSP download page.